Hampir di semua tingkat belajar di sekolah, mata kuliah yang satu ini tidak pernah absen.. itu jelas dikarenakan bahasa ini merupakan bahasa Internasional. Langsung aja materi pertama kita mulai.
1.1 Tips on how to study and Learn |Tips untuk belajar bahasa inggris
a. Overcome 'Culture Shock' in college by familiarizing your self and making friends.
b. Understand yourself. Know your Strength and weakness.
c. Set goals to achieve.
d. Develop positive attitudes for "
i. Studying
ii. Learning
iii. Handling assignments, lectures, tutorials
e. Practise time management. Manage your time effectively for study and for relaxation.
f. Maintain Constant communication with famiy, lecturers, friends.
g. Read a lot
h. Relax and have fun during weekends.
1.2 How does a person learn English successfully?| Bagaimana Cara agar berhasil dalam berbahasa inggris
a. Try to think in English and not depend on translating from your first language.
b. Take risks by being active in the english language inside and outside the classroom.
c. Always try to improve your accuracy, by doing English language exercises in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
d. Interact with others in English.
e. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. You learn from your mistakes.
f. Watch how you produce English and how others produce it.
g. Be aware of the ways and difficulties, but don't give up.
h. Be friendly and open. Have fun with English-reading, watching television, listening to the radio things to be familiar with english.
i. Know that there are no short cuts. Be ready to learn as it is worth it.
1.3 Note Taking | Membuat catatan
a. You save time as you study only the main point.
b. Your memory is aided because you read less text.
c. you are helped in studying better and faster.
d. The amount to study is reduced and you are not so overwhelmed with so much work.
e. You can receive much faster.
How can i take down notes during a lecture? | Bagaimana Membuat catatan selama jam perkuliahan berlangsung
a. Get the key words and find more information using your library skills.
b. Never write or copy word by word when talking down notes, only the main points or the key words.
c. Discuss your problem with your lecturer or tutor.
d. Read before attending any lecture so that you are able to spell unfamiliar words and to familiarize yourself with the lecturer's content.
Semoga bermanfaat...
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